Support Us

Please help us continue our work in the CRPS community.


To fund our charity, and to further our awareness work, we will have a number of small items available for purchase. To begin with we have the following three items. More to come.

Prices do not include postage.

White mug with Kiwi CRPS and an orange ribbon on one side

White mug with an orange ribbon and ‘KIWI CRPS’ written on one side

$10 each

Orange wrist bands with "Life beyond CRPS' and '' written on them.

Orange wristband with ‘Life beyond CRPS’ and ‘’

Two sizes available: 17cm & 19cm

$3 each or two for $5

Orange and black coloured pen with Kiwi CRPS Stronger Together written on the side. The pen draws black.

Orange-& black-coloured pen with ‘Kiwi CRPS Stronger Together’

Draws black

$3 each or two for $5


Our thanks

Kiwi CRPS thanks Harvey Buchman for all his work on this website previously.
Ngā mihi 🧡